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You may not develop or create any derivative work or other product that uses, is based on, or is developed in connection with any of the Information (including, without limitation, proprietary data, settlement data or indices) available on this site. In addition to the forgoing, to the fullest extent permitted by law, use of such Information (including associated metadata) in any manner for any machine learning and/or artificial intelligence, including without limitation for the purposes of training, coding, or development of artificial intelligence technologies, tools, or solutions or machine learning language models, or otherwise for the purposes of using or in connection with the use of such technologies, tools, or models to generate any information, material, data, derived works, content, or output, is expressly prohibited." var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; body.parentNode.insertBefore(newPreviewSpan, body); } } function RemoveDisclaimer() { try { document.getElementById("DisclaimerPopup").style.display="none"; } catch (e) {} } var bodyExists=document.getElementsByTagName('body') if (bodyExists.length!=0) { var divIDFoud = true; var s = document.getElementById('WID0007000186'); if (!s) { divIDFoud = false;var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var bFound=false; if (s.length==1) { s = s[s.length - 1]; var bFound=true; } else { for(var i=0; i 0 ) { s = s[i] var bFound=true; break; } } if(!bFound) { for(var i=0; i0 || s[i]'')>0) { s = s[i]; var bFound=true; break; } } } } if(!bFound) { var s = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for(var i=0; i0 || s[i]'')>0) { s = s[i] var bFound=true; break; } } } } } var div = document.createElement('span'); div.hidden=true; div.className='tfcWidget';;;'100%';'resizeWidget_0007000186_62875();' div.innerHTML = " Grains Prices"; try { if (divIDFoud) { s.appendChild(div); } else { s.parentNode.insertBefore(div, s); } } catch(e) { document.body = document.createElement('body'); document.body.innerHTML = div.innerHTML; } var sWidgetID_0007000186_62875='TID0007000186';var mainDiv_0007000186_62875=document.getElementsByName('0007000186_62875')[0];var chartColor_0007000186_62875='/';var initChart1Props_0007000186_62875='i009738_i009737_i009739_i009740_i000000';var asChart1Props_0007000186_62875=initChart1Props_0007000186_62875.split(/_/);var sChartImageName_0007000186_62875 = 'Chart8910_0007000186_62875';var widgetChart_0007000186_62875=mainDiv_0007000186_62875.getElementsByTagName('img')['Chart8910_0007000186_62875'];var chartLocation_0007000186_62875='T';var chartURL_0007000186_62875='';var bIncludeYieldCurveChart_0007000186_62875=false;var sChartAltText0007000186_62875='Canola - ICE - C$/mt';var rowLastDivIDClicked=1;var bHasCharts_0007000186_62875=true;var bIsResponsive_0007000186_62875=false;var nNumRows_0007000186_62875=11;try {window.onresize = resizeWidget_0007000186_62875;window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));var RefererDomain = '';var RefererDomain_Native = '';setTimeout(function() { var divWidgets = document.getElementsByClassName('widgetContainer'); for (i = 0; i